What is the best thing to cure a hangover?

Reading Time 4 minutes
Picture of a person lying on the floor because of a hangover
Picture of a person lying on the floor because of a hangover
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
29-01-2021 16:00:21 - Updated: 29 January, 2021


The answer came from space. Yes, it is water. Just like our planet, our body is made of water and this is the “fuel” for the liver and diuretic functions. The ones that ultimately have all the dirty work after your night out.

What is the best thing to cure a hangover?… Let me make the suggestions from the time of that hangover: before, during and after. Although it is true that these solutions become primordial when you wake up, when everything has already happened, promulgating, rather, certain respect for that state from its conception, when the moment of relaxation is scheduled and from there until the moment before falling into bed, will surely relieve your repairing sleep and the reconditioning of your organism when you have to come back to your life.

Although water is the protagonist, the dynamic is that any liquid that enters, must leave as quickly as possible, to avoid more intense effects later.  Movement, laughter and controlled ventilation, also add to the mystical tips that have to be present every time, to “distract” the body from manifesting any adverse symptoms.

A healthy and balanced diet, plus an optimal physical condition are enough for your physiology to work perfectly. If you are a person who is aware of your quality of life, you surely do not have crazy hangover stories, because these people are rewarded by their own body and freed from toxins more efficiently than other neglected sedentary people. But they can also be more prepared and overcome their uncomfortable lethargy in several ways.



⭐ A few hours earlier…



No matter what you’ve had the opportunity to use, alcohol will always be the primary actor in our discomfort because of its enteric toxicity, so overcoming these ones, overcoming the other substances is only going to require a few more hours of sleep.  In advance, the advice is not to let yourself be driven by any of them.

The most important thing at this moment is, as I already said, to eat very well. A powerful protein intake will clearly give you a lot of strength and give it to the rest of your organs to cope with the calorie burning of the party time. Fruits and vegetables will keep stable the liquids inside the body and the nuts, half vegetable half protein, will vitaminate your blood flow. If you keep this in mind in the meals before the event, you will feel much better.



⛳ During the bohemian, social gathering, dinner, party and / or soiree


Here we come back to H2O, we must excrete as much as possible and unless it is beer, liquor and effusiveness forget the diuretic functions and manage to store much urine, without realizing that the greater fluid retention, the greater toxicity in the body. It would be ideal if you had clear the periodic water ingestion during the day and in addition to complement them with vegetables shakes to prepare your lower tract and functions, if not, then start from the moment you know it, if you had not planned it either and you are a victim of your friends’ spontaneity.

Technically speaking, it is true that mixing different colors of liquor overloads your head to the maximum in the hangover. So are the very short intervals between each drink, the alternation or combination with carbonated or sweetened drinks (especially if they are energizing), the very loud thundering of the music and the prolonged fasting.

On the other hand, refreshing yourself every now and then with isotonic and quick hydrating drinks, going out to get fresh air if you are in a room, drinking a well loaded espresso or lemonade and chewing gum, will be more effective while you’re having fun than laying all your faith in them the next day.

And speaking of food, banquet history has been written in abundance of drink and food in the celebrations and although minimalism and sobriety describe some modern events, or simply the occasion wasn’t enough, not involving food while you are drinking will make a difference when you wake up tomorrow. Eat at least one good meal before everything.



✨ What did you do? What are you going to do now?


Let me laugh. In a good way. Before anything else, understand that, like depression, all this is going to go away, so read carefully our routine. If you’re one of those who can’t just eat breakfast and sleep until nightfall, and you also have to show up impeccably to any duty, write it down:


  • Sleep, do it at least 4 hours to recover physically, the traces of liquor in your blood can keep you awake if you had a good breakfast.
  • Effervescent painkillers or fruit salts just before bedtime will pay off handsomely in detoxification tomorrow.
  • Just in case the symptom of the headache is disabling, take an 800 grams ibuprofen. This medicine is quite controversial because of its effect on the kidneys, so avoiding it would be much better and never take it on an empty stomach.
  • Take a cold shower first, until the pores close, then soap and rinse with hot water.
  • Eggs. More than three, if you’re a grown man and you’re going to need to move around during the day, scrambled eggs are an energy bomb, ask the sportsmen and women. Remember that even at this point, eating too much will make you sleepy, so watch out.
  • One coffee, but only one. Hydrating drinks or fruit juices are more effective.
  • Burn a few calories works. Doing some short but concise activation exercise routine, using the bike to get where you’re going, swimming a bit or just walking, will have a placebo effect on the wellbeing of your morning start.
  • Nothing more practical than some nuts in your pocket. Besides, it works very well with stink.
  • Remember without distraction the good moments of the past night. Relive them with someone if possible, the oxytocin that is produced is very beneficial to disguise your “normal” state.
  • Make yourself a Bloody Mary if you get the chance, cool!
Infographics of what is best for curing a hangover
Infographics of what is best for curing a hangover



👌 Conclusion


You will surely find many links in the browser with all kinds of advice or the same tips that didn’t work for you, the truth is that this detoxification syndrome manifests itself in different ways in each body and, above all, with different intensity.

To be a superhuman it is not enough to eat well, this will only keep your physical energy available. Balance theories include all aspects of existence and that balance will expose your body every time you overdo it. So a monitored daily life, well suggested, a few moments of spirituality a day, movement, availability of nutrients … don’t let a few drinks cause you the opposite. Get up!


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