Advantages of eating raw cannabis

Reading Time 4 minutes
Image of a man holding a marijuana leaf sandwich
Image of a man holding a marijuana leaf sandwich
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
15-01-2021 17:00:48 - Updated: 15 January, 2021


Do you know what happens if you eat raw marijuana? This is perhaps a little-known topic because not many people get to know more about its nutritional perspective. The body’s endocannabinoid system can take advantage of its properties when ingested in its natural form; in addition, the brain system is activated when natural weed is consumed.

The plant itself contains nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, that is, it is very complete and does not ask anything from any other food we eat frequently.

You don’t have to eat the buds directly, though, you can do it if you want; however, adding it to your food like salads, even in smoothies, is excellent.😜



✨ Eating marijuana helps you improve your health



In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, raw cannabis provides omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and fiber. Remember that they also provide us with antioxidants, which help to establish or restore the integral well-being of our health. What I mean is that these elements contributed by cannabis are auxiliary to have a strong immunological system, help with diabetes, cardiac diseases, even minimize the possibility of suffering cancer.

When the weed goes through the drying process, it loses chlorophyll, another element that brings benefits to the body. For example, it helps to regenerate, but at the cellular level, it is also useful for detoxification, counteracts inflammation, among others.

An important matter to take into account with the benefits of raw marijuana is the consumption of cannabidolic acid (CBD-A) and tetrahydrocannabonolic acid, providing their nutrients, leaving out components such as THC or CBD, which are activated with heat. The flavonoids are another of the molecules found in natural cannabis, in fact it is responsible for providing antioxidants, which greatly benefits our health.

You will also receive doses of fiber, an element that many people lack because it maintains a poor diet. Fiber is necessary for the body to eradicate toxic substances, it is not good to store them. All the benefits for the health of eating cannabis are obtained when eating its leaves and buds, without cooking, without going through any manipulation or fire.



☕ Does eating raw cannabis have the same effect as smoking it?


The truth is that it doesn’t have the same effect, that is, you won’t feel high. So you can eat marijuana without fear. When it is in a raw state the plant does not have activated THC, this element is only activated when it is heated and decarboxylated.

You can read this article to learn more about decarboxylation


*Raw cannabis and safety in use

As you have seen the benefits of eating weed naturally are quite a lot, it is a very complete plant that contributes a lot to our health. However, we have to be careful because like any other food we usually eat, we have to take certain precautions.

I am referring to such basic care as avoiding leaves that have been subjected to chemicals. In this regard, if you want to explore the world of raw weed, you can choose to plant it yourself, so you can be sure of what you are eating.

You can use this article on how to plant cannabis in indoor hydroponics.

This other article may also interest you if you grow indoors.

Eating marijuana helps you improve your health
Eating marijuana helps you improve your health*



🚀 How to consume it?


You may think that all you can do is put the leaf in your mouth and that’s it, but no, you can prepare delicious and fun dishes instead:


-Milkshakes. You can eat raw marijuana in a very entertaining way. What you have to do is add the leaves and buds to your usual shake, this will inject you with a lot of nutrients. You can try different recipes, adding different fruits to change the flavor, no doubt that terpenes, cannabinoids and flavoniods will do their job.


-Juices. This way of consuming it is extremely delicious and you can do it in the mornings to start your day well. You can even make this juice and include it in your smoothies, a good way to improvise. A good frozen juice of raw marijuana will be very well received by your body.


-Salad. Yes, it can be just the weed leaves, but if you want something more appealing I would suggest that you serve it with other ingredients, as if you were making your favorite salad, only that you will add an extra ingredient to this one. You can include more green leaves like spinach, a little bit of tomato, some seeds, even, if you eat meat you can add chicken, some more protein. Be creative and add the ingredients you like the most.


-Hemp seeds and oil. These small ones have a great amount of nutrients, they contribute enzymes, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids, in addition almost do not have sugar. When you take them in seed form they can be the perfect complement to dishes such as your salads. Oil can also be an interesting dressing.


Image of juices and smoothies with fruits and buds around them
Image of juices and smoothies with fruits and buds around them*



✅ Conclusion


As you have noticed, raw cannabis brings great benefits to your health and there are also very creative ways to eat it and combine it. Do not wait any longer, go and prepare a delicious salad so that your organism enjoys the advantages of this so generous plant.

Tell us how you like to eat it, if you prefer a tropical juice or shake with a touch of marijuana. Share the post so that more people can benefit.😜👍👉


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