How to make homemade White Marijuana Chocolate easily

Reading Time 7 minutes


White chocolate recipe with marijuana
White chocolate recipe with marijuana
Noelia Jiménez
I love to cook and write about marijuana. One day I started making marijuana butter and since then I haven't stopped creating the most varied recipes you can imagine.
17-11-2017 08:00:00 - Updated: 17 November, 2017


If you are one of those who love white chocolate, today we bring you a simple recipe to make it with marijuana, but also some ideas to use it in other desserts with which you may live a most enjoyable trip.


Kids lose their minds over white chocolate, but… what about adults? Yes, indeed! ? Adults too, and I’m sure you too, because of it are interested in reading this post. It’s so sweet, so soft and so different from dark or milky chocolate that many times you either love it or hate it. Fortunately, there are also average terms and many people who love all varieties of chocolate. I am among the latte…and who am I kidding?


We recommend decarboxylate the cannabis before cooking, because although during the process of elaboration of the recipe, the marijuana can be decarboxylated, if we do it before we make sure that the decarboxylation is done correctly. If you want to know how to do it click on this link Weed decarboxylation



So today I thought you might like to know how to make a tablet of white chocolate with marijuana in order to live a very sweet trip and, of course, share it with your friends or family, as long as you keep in mind that marijuana, when eaten, has very different effects than when smoked.


I’ve also decided that you can use this white chocolate with marijuana in other recipes which will leave your guests open-mouthed. If you’re a little bit cooker and without having to make it too complicated, you may get a dessert which everyone likes in a very short time.


I’ll tell you right now everything about this simple recipe, but first, some curiosities about white chocolate. Did you know that the first white chocolate variety was created in Switzerland in 1930, after the World War II? In particular, it was the Nestlé company that created it. It was a chocolate bar called Galak.


Unlike pure cocoa, white chocolate can’t be associated with health benefits, but… who can deny that it serves to cheers our day up and gives us a boost? And if this is just achieved by a simple ounce of white chocolate, imagine how much fun it can be if we add some marijuana.


So, would you like to try the following recipes? Let’s start by making our own white chocolate bar..??



💻 White chocolate with marijuana recip



This recipe for marijuana chocolate is really simple. Probably one of the easiest we’ve ever talked about. In fact,  you won’t be able to consume the chocolate in the day because the main thing to make it correctly  is to leave it in the fridge 24 hours a day so that it becomes consistent and acquires the texture of any other normal white chocolate tablet, otherwise, you will be surprised how simple is to make white marijuana chocolate.


In order to have your own white cannabis chocolate bar you will need the following ingredients:


  • 200 grams of white chocolate
  • 2 grams of dry buds
  • 15 grams of normal butter (if you want to speed up the recipe and have it at home at this moment ,you can use directly marijuana butter and forget the buds)
  • 4 tablespoons of water


Besides, you’re gonna need the next kitchen stuff:

  • A saucepan or casserole dish
  • A container or mould in which the chocolate can be hardened


Ingredients for recipe white chocolate with cannabis
Ingredients for recipe white chocolate with cannabis


Have you already got everything? So, let’s get started!! ?‍?  The steps to follow to make a tablet of white marijuana chocolate are the following:


First: We chop the white chocolate ounces as much as we can. Meanwhile, in a casserole we may start putting 4 tablespoons of water. We’ll do it at very low power.


We may start putting 4 tablespoons of water
We may start putting 4 tablespoons of water


Second: Once we have chopped chocolate, pour it into the casserole and with the help of a kitchen spatula or a wooden spoon, let it melt, little by little.

In order not to stick it is very important to keep the fire not too high and not stop stirring, so that the least possible number of lumps emerge. Unlike dark chocolate, because of its composition, when the white chocolate melts it remains granulated. The little water we have used will also help us to minimize this effect, but remember: do not stop stirring.


Do not stop stirring.
Do not stop stirring.


Third: When the white chocolate gets melted, add the marijuana butter, or the buds. If we opt for this second option, we will have to add them grinded, as if they were almost dust. To do that, you know that the grinder you use to make joints is always a good ally. If you need one, PEVgrow has a wide grinder catalogue, some of them as discrete and useful as these watches.


Add the marijuana butter or the buds
Add the marijuana butter or the buds


Fourth: When the mixture is as compact as possible, remove and pour the mixture into the mould we have chosen and let it cool. If you want it to be shaped like a chocolate bar, in large supermarkets and bakery shops even in some paraphernalia shop, you can find moulds which will adapt to this shape.


Pour the mixture into the mould
Pour the mixture into the mould


Once it’s no longer hot, we can put it in the fridge for 24 hours in order to be harder and take the shape of a normal chocolate bar. From here… you only have to enjoy it! In what way? You can consume it like any normal chocolate, eating an ounce or using it to make other desserts like the ones I’m going to introduce you to:


Put it in the fridge for 24 hours
Put it in the fridge for 24 hours


🧐 White chocolate cannabis cake recipe


I’d tell you that this recipe is for the whole family, but you know I would lie to you, so if you have kids at home… keep it away from their reach, because it’s tempting! Of course, you can make the same recipe without using cannabis, if you want to make it for them.


What are we gonna need?


  • A packet of biscuits
  • 120 grams of butter
  • 2 sachets of curd
  • 200 grams of white chocolate
  • 250 grams of milk
  • 200 grams of cream


 Ingredients white chocolate cake with cannabis
Ingredients white chocolate cake with cannabis


Once you have all the kitchen stuff, taking the steps as follows:


First: we’ll make the pie base. To do this, crush the biscuits and mix them with the butter that we have previously melted (the easiest way is to do it in the microwave). Mix well and make a kind of pasta which later we will put in the mold where we want to make the cake. Then, We’ll put it in the fridge.


We'll make the pie base
We’ll make the pie base


Second: While it’s cooled, heat the cream and chocolate in a casserole over a low heat. As in the previous recipe, it’s very important not to stop stirring so that it does not stick. When the chocolate has melted completely, remove it from the heat.


Heat the cream and chocolate in a casserole
Heat the cream and chocolate in a casserole


Third step: In a second saucepan, heat the milk and curd powder. We will also have to stir well so that no lumps come out. When everything is dissolved, join the previous mixture and heat until it boils. At this point we turn off the heat, wait a few minutes, and then, take this last step again.


Heat the milk and curd powder
Heat the milk and curd powder


Fourth step: Finally, pour the final mixture over the biscuit dough that we had put to the chill. We wait for it to harden and then put it in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours and,  ready to eat!!?


Put it in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours
Put it in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours



🎬 Coffee cream and white chocolate with marijuana


As we already know, in Pevgrowshop we have different types of followers, in this case we have opted for an easy recipe, that everyone can make and vegans can also drink: we are talking about a coffee cream and white chocolate. This one, like the previous recipe, can be made without marijuana, but we wanted to give it that cannabic touch we like so much.


What are you gonna need?


    • Sugar, 100 grams
    • Vegan cheese, 250 grams
    • Vegetable bakery cream, 250 ml.
    • Soluble coffee, one tablespoon (you can use it with or without caffeine, although it is more advisable this second one to avoid other effects we do not want)
    • Cornstarch, 60 grams
    • White chocolate, 200 grams



Ingredients Coffee cream and white chocolate with marijuana
Ingredients Coffee cream and white chocolate with marijuana


The steps we must achieve to elaborate this recipe are the following:


1-We’ll melt the white chocolate with marijuana to make it easy-handling for us


Melt the white chocolate with marijuana
Melt the white chocolate with marijuana


2-Then, in a blender glass, mix all the ingredients and shake until it gets the texture we like the most.


Mix all the ingredients
Mix all the ingredients


3-Finally, add it into one or several moulds and let it cool for 2 or 3 hours.


Let it cool for 2 or 3 hours
Let it cool for 2 or 3 hours



👾 Warnings when consuming cannabis


If you are a fan of this blog, or if you have been cooking with cannabis for a long time, you know for sure that the effects of marijuana when you smoke it or eat it are very different. So much so, that in the first case the effects are very fast and, in the second case, it can take hours for you to notice them. Therefore, it’s always advisable to take small portions, not to load the recipes too much with cannabis buds, and wait until we start noticing the effects, so that, if we want to, we can continue eating a little more.


Of course, you should avoid mixing it with other substances, such as alcohol or other drugs, because the effects can play a bad tricks on us turning a good time into a nightmare.





🎯 Make your own white chocolate


Now that you have seen how easy it is to make your white chocolate with marijuana, we invite you to try it yourself and tell us about your experience, as well as other recipes you know or do which we would love to know.


Did you like this post? Then we’d love you to share it on social networks and give us a rating.


See you in the nex post! ✍️

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  1. Avatar for MJ

    NO microwave! You hurt 🤕 the THC. Best to use double boiling method. Coconut oil infused marijuana works well also. Add some coconut flakes! Mmmmm

    • Avatar for Juanma de

      Thanks for your advice, the microwave only in the case where you can regulate the temperature.


  2. Avatar for Matt

    I have to disagree with the “easily” in your header. Tried twice, failed twice (fortunately, smaller amounts and bud). I now have a tray in the fridge, 14hrs and still not set.
    Probably is easy, but I’ve never been a great chef

    • Avatar for Juanma de

      Hi Matt,
      Sorry to hear that, hope this last time worked out well for you!


  3. Avatar for Jane

    This is really amazing recipe and I would like to give it a try at home. Thanks for sharing it and keep up the great work.

    • Avatar for Noelia Giménez

      Thanks to you Jane.