Potato latkes with cannabis: a quick and delicious recipe

Reading Time 4 minutes
Image of delicious latkes on a plate with the odd bud on the table as a garnish.
Image of delicious latkes on a plate with the odd bud on the table as a garnish.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
19-02-2021 16:00:20 - Updated: 19 February, 2021


This delicious potato pancake dish is a traditional Jewish meal, and is one of the specialties during the celebration of Hanukkah. If you are planning a gathering of friends or simply spending a good afternoon enjoying some delicious fried latkes, stop for a moment and read the whole article because you will discover how easy it is to prepare. In addition, cannabis provides an explosion of flavor.

Latkes have a whole historical tradition and over the years have been adapted to the recipe we know nowadays. It has transcended borders, and without the need to belong to that nation we can all enjoy it. So any excuse is good to make up your mind and get to work with this magic recipe, adding the cannabis twist.😉

This is a versatile dish that adapts perfectly to people’s palates. And if in its original recipe it manages to enchant, you cannot even imagine what it gets with a bit of cannabis.



✨ Ingredients



Although there is a discussion as to what the ideal latke would be, some argue that it should be crisp and intensely golden and somewhat irregular in shape, with a ”handmade” look. Others, however, prefer a more compact pancake-like appearance, thick and symmetrical, that is crunchy, while at the same time it can feel fluffy inside.

Let’s do one thing, I’ll give you the ingredients and you give it the shape and crunchiness you like best. For me, for example, it is a very intense brown colour.

A simple recipe to not worry too much, while enjoying sharing the food with those you have decided to join.

Go ahead!


  • 0.17 oz. (5 grams) of crushed cannabis, to make sure it is well ground you can do it with a grinder
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 4 russet potatoes. Some prefer them to be peeled and others not, I’ll leave it to your liking again. However, it is important that they are russet potatoes, as they are ideal for frying, as the result is a brown color and a fluffy inside.
  • 2 medium yellow onions
  • 2 to 3 medium eggs, you will have to beat them
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ½ cup of all-purpose flour or matzah, which is the original



📖 Preparation


1.You will need vegetable oil with cannabis infusion, to do this you will have to heat the oil in a bain-marie, then add the weed and let it finish cooking over a low heat. The process takes about an hour, be patient because you will have to be stirring. This is the heaviest part of the recipe. You will have to do this procedure if at the moment you do not have at hand already prepared cannabis infusion oil.

2.Grate all the potatoes, you can do it through a food processor or manually. One trick that will prevent potatoes from turning brown is to leave them under water. You won’t really need to, though, since the time it takes to grate them is not much. Remember that you must also chop the onions.

3.Leave the grated potato and the chopped onion to drain, the aim is to get all the water out. A good idea is to add a little salt, this way you will be helping them to dehydrate in less time.

4.While waiting for these ingredients to finish draining all the water, take advantage of the time and start heating the oil, which you prepared, over medium to low heat. Keep it in sight so that it doesn’t overheat.

5.Once the potatoes and onions are ready, proceed to mix them with the other ingredients, making sure you have a big enough container. Add the flour, eggs, salt and pepper and mix well until everything is perfectly integrated. If you notice that the mixture is a little watery, then it is a sign that it needs a little more flour, add some extra carefully and stir.

6.The final touch: when the oil you prepared at the beginning is very hot, yes, the vegetable oil with cannabis infusion, then you will start to introduce the latkes slowly. Make them previously of the size that you wish, small, medium or big. If you make them of good size perhaps you will have to fry them one by one, it will depend on the dimensions of the frying pan that you use.

7.When they are ready, make sure you drain the excess oil into each of the latkes, as you would any other fried food. Brown as intensely as you like. Repeat the process until the mixture is finished.



🔥 Ready to taste


Let them cool down a bit and they will be ready for you and your guests to taste them, the classic choice is to serve them with applesauce or sour cream. You can choose to offer both options.

You don’t have to wait for Hanukkah to make them, so go ahead and grab the cannabis and your frying pan, go get that potato grater you’ve been storing and make up your mind to try this delicious recipe.

Do it and tell us how it went, I’m sure you’ll want to repeat it.

Help us so that more people can have the opportunity to enjoy it, share it on social media.😜👉


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