THCP What is it? Effects, benefits and all the information

Reading Time 6 minutes
THCP letters written on marijuana leaves.
THCP letters written on marijuana leaves.
Fran Quesada Moya

14-10-2022 09:00:54 - Updated: 14 October, 2022


THCP is a new cannabinoid that was discovered by chance in Italy less than 2 years ago, and has created a great impact in the cannabis community because it can have some very interesting unique properties from a medicinal marijuana and recreational point of view. Memorize the concept THCP or D9 THCP because I am sure that from now on you will hear it more and more, and if you have never heard it, I recommend you read this article carefully, since we are going to try to capture all the important information about THCP



🧐 What is THCP?



It is a phytocannabinoid that is closely related to the famous THC (What is THC?), so much so that their molecular structure is very similar and they only differ in that THCP contains 2 more carbons in its tail. This is probably the reason why it had not been discovered before, and it was found by chance in some outdoor marijuana seeds thanks to some Italian scientists working for the Unihemp project while analyzing a genetic called FM2. At the same time they also discovered CBDP, but unfortunately the latter seems to have no interesting applications because it does not stick to cannabinoid receptors.

How is THCP made? It is produced just like the rest of the cannabinoids, so it can be said that THCP is natural, although it is currently also synthesized from other major cannabinoids to make commercial products. This is because so far it has only been found in certain varieties and in very small amounts, and although it can be extracted directly from the plant, on a commercial level it is more interesting to synthesize THCP from THC and especially CBD.


Image showing the chemical structure of THCP on a marijuana plant*.
Image showing the chemical structure of THCP on a marijuana plant*.


👾 Effects of THCP


Does THCP get you high? The answer is yes, it gets you much higher than THC because it has a higher affinity for CB1 receptors, up to 33 times more according to studies. This does not mean that it is 33 times more powerful than THC, but it is much more effective because it seems that the cannabinoid receptors can absorb a greater amount of THCP and that multiplies its effects. How powerful is THCP? This is difficult to quantify, because the proportion of THCP is very low compared to the rest of the cannabinoids, but it could be said that it is much more powerful than THC between 5 and 10 times more, the effect arrives earlier and lasts longer.

How does THCP make you feel? You have to know that the type of effect is very similar to that of THC, but much more intense in the psychoactive part. In our short experience with THCP we have seen that the initial euphoria is greater due to the speed of the effect, which also seems to come suddenly, so it changes the perception of things almost directly. The power of THCP makes you feel slightly relaxed on a physical level, with some catalepsy and hypomobility but with a lot of mental activity, but this also depends on the rest of the cannabinoids that make up the variety’s chemotype. A difference with THC would be that it seems to have a more psychedelic effect, without being hallucinogenic like other entheogens, but with a certain modification of vision.


Main effects of THCP


  • Increased desire to talk and socialize
  • Analgesic
  • Increased appetite, especially sugar
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Possible difficulty thinking clearly
  • Anticancer
  • Decreased coordination
  • Drowsiness
  • Temporary memory loss
  • Altered sensory perception
  • Decreased concentration level
  • Increased heart rate


Possible Side Effects of THCP


  • Paranoid
  • Anxiety
  • Self-awareness
  • Drowsiness
  • Tachycardia
  • Fatigue
  • Surveillance
  • Dry mouth
  • Red eyes
  • Memory loss (temporary)
  • Illness
  • Vomiting


Infographic-summary on the effects of THCP
Infographic-summary on the effects of THCPInfographic-summary on the effects of THCP



🎯 Dose of THCP Is it necessary to consume a lot to feel its potency?


Although not enough studies have been done yet, it seems that half the dose of THCP is needed to feel the same effects as twice the THC. Until now, we have only seen one study published with laboratory rats, and when they administered 5 mg/kg of THCP, they found that the potency was similar to what they felt with 10 mg/kg of THC. This may mean that an adult can feel the effects of THCP with half the dose than when consuming THC, but it is not yet known if it is because it is more powerful in itself or because we are able to absorb more of this molecule through the receptors cannabinoids.

Based on these data we can determine that a dose of 5 mg/kg of THCP is more than enough to fully feel its effects, but it is better to try a dose between 1 and 4 mg/kg. For people who are not regular cannabis users, the ideal dose would be 0.3 mg/kg to 0.5 mg/kg. People with a high tolerance for THC may feel less of the effects of THCP than users with a low tolerance, because they are very similar except for their potency. However, it must be taken into account that it is a very new cannabinoid and has not yet been widely tested, so we recommend moderate use in the absence of more information.



✅ Is THCP legal?


Although it is not prohibited as such and is not present on any of the controlled substance lists, THCP is considered illegal in many countries around the world, as is the case with THC. This is due to the law of analogs that prohibits the sale of substances analogous to those that are controlled, that is, those that imitate or are very similar to those that are prohibited.

In this case, it is because THCP is almost identical to THC in its molecular structure and effects, even though it is much more potent overall. However, although its legality is not entirely clear, some companies in the United States already market products with THCP, but they are still very few and as a general rule they only ship to certain states.



🚀 Products with THCP


Until now, there are only commercial products rich in this cannabinoid in some countries where cannabis has been legalized, such as the USA and Canada, among others. Some companies like Binoid or Delta Extrax sell THCP vape cartridges, THCP-rich gummies and edibles, and other types of concentrate based on this new cannabinoid. In some states of these countries it has been possible to buy THCP online for some time, and we are sure that soon we will be able to see it in many other places.

We assume that from now on we will start to see pure THCP, distilled and isolated THCP, THCP oil to consume in dabs, and from the moment that seeds of THCP-rich varieties appear on the market we will also see rich flowers or buds in THCP and all kinds of products created from this powerful cannabinoid.



✨ Conclusion


THCP is going to give a lot of talk from now on due to its potency and possible therapeutic applications, that is why we have created this article to try to find out what it is about. If you get a product that contains this cannabinoid, you already know that you have to treat it with great respect when consuming it, because its effect can be much more powerful than that of THC, both the positive and the negative part.



⛳ Frequent questions


Is THCP safe?

Although there are still not enough studies to determine the safety of this substance, nothing seems to indicate that it could be more dangerous than THC, so it could be said that with the information we have today, THCP is as safe as it is other cannabinoids. The difference is its potency, so you have to take into account to start with a low dose, and depending on personal experience decide whether to increase the dose or not.


How to do THCP?

The easiest way to do this is by processing from the plant from a cannabinoid extraction with solvents such as hexane or butane. The problem is that few varieties that contain this cannabinoid are still known, and those that do contain hardly any traces that do not reach 0.1% of the total weight, so the extraction will yield very little. But there are other more complex forms that are much more effective at the same time, the problem is that they require laboratory equipment and a minimum notion of chemistry, because it is about isomerizing CBD to convert it into THCP. At first, the cannabidiol is mixed with crude oil, then the temperature is raised little by little to 205º C, later it is separated into 3 parts (heads, hearts and tails) and finally it is analyzed to check its purity.


Where can you buy THCP?

Until now it can only be bought in dispensaries in certain US states, but there are already some online stores that are beginning to offer it, also in the United States. These online stores do not usually sell to other states because US federal law prohibits it, so if you are interested in buying THCP you have no choice but to go to California, Alabama, Florida, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas , Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Washington.

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