Cannabis Whisky. Everything you need to know to make it.

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Pouring cannabis whisky into a glass with a bud on the side table
Pouring cannabis whisky into a glass with a bud on the side table
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
11-12-2020 10:00:37 - Updated: 11 December, 2020


Cannabis is a plant with diverse properties and which is given multiple uses, this is so since the oldest civilizations began to exploit it. One of the most popular uses nowadays is the recreational use, especially in smoking format, although also it is still used in therapies and it is investigated like a healing ingredient to elaborate new drugs.

Did you know that it also fulfills its functions in the gastronomic universe? It is possible to make some recipes with this plant, especially delicious sweets. It is also increasingly used to create liqueurs, cocktails and all kinds of drinks. The latter has its own technique and varieties, and it is something that more and more people enjoy.

This sounds interesting, let’s continue.



✨ How to make homemade Cannabis Whiskey?



The use of cannabis as a cookie or cake ingredient may be familiar. It is also known for its application in different recipes in the form of oil. However, in recent years a new trend has been added and it is increasingly popular to find drinks made from this plant. Now it is possible to find marijuana whisky in some establishments or to buy it on the Internet.

Another interesting option is to do it yourself and if you have enough skill, you can get great results, but you don’t have to be a great chef because it is a really simple elaboration.



🚀 Effects of Whisky


Before venturing to elaborate homemade cannabis whiskey or to use it, you should bear in mind that this one can have certain effects in the organism, something that is going to depend in good measure on the concentration of cannabis that it has.

Usually, the effects will be noticed from an hour after use, so it is advisable to control the dose to be ingested because the abuse is not detected as early as in other types of drinks.

The ideal is to consume cannabis Whisky in small and manageable doses, especially if it is the first time that is ingested. In addition, if it is a homemade elaboration we can have some variations in the concentration and it is convenient to check how the product feels at least the first time it is drunk.



🎯 Cannabis Whisky Recipe


If you want to know how to make Cannabis Whisky, the first step is to know the ingredients. You should also know that it is a really simple recipe and that if you have certain culinary skills it will not require any effort. You can enjoy this drink at your own home whenever you want.



To make Cannabis Whisky properly you will need the following ingredients:

-750ml (25.4 US lq. oz.) of Whisky
-7gr. (0.25 oz.) of dry cannabis
-A large beer mug
-A cheesecloth



✅ How to make cannabis Whisky?


If you don’t have decarboxylated buds, the first step is to prepare them. This is a quite simple process in which the product is heated in the oven, controlling well the temperature, in order to avoid the cannabinoids being destroyed.

To do this you must spread the marijuana on a baking tray and heat it up to 115ºC (239ºF) for about 40 minutes. This will help you prepare the cannabis in the process of absorption.

You must then pour the whisky into the glass jar or container, next to the decarbolixed cannabis and close the lid properly.

Then, shake the entire contents until the cannabis is completely covered with whiskey.

You will have to leave the mixture in a place where it does not receive light for approximately 5 to 7 days. Remember to shake it several times during this period of time.

The longer the cannabis is kept in the alcohol the more properties and the purer the whisky will be.

At the right time, you should take the jar and strain all the contents with the help of a strainer or cheesecloth into another clean mug.

Add ice to taste and enjoy the flavor.



🧐 Conclusion


One of the gastronomic forms of cannabis that has begun to popularize is the homemade Whisky elaborated with cannabis buds. It is a very easy recipe to make and of which it is possible to obtain results in a few days.

As the effects of this drink take time to become effective, the ideal option is to try it in moderation at first and see how it feels. If you want to make this drink at home, you will only need a handful of decarboxylated buds, 750ml. (25.4 US lq. oz.) of whisky, large pitchers or a jar with lid and a large capacity and ice, for when everything is ready.

Everything must be included in the glass jar and shaken well. This should be left in a dark place for several days, and shaken from time to time during the process.

With these simple steps you can make your own marijuana whiskey.

Easy, cheap and exquisite!

You can make this recipe with  Ice Cream Cake and Runtz Strain 

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