How to make marijuana flan

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Homemade marijuana flan
Homemade marijuana flan
Noelia Jiménez
I love to cook and write about marijuana. One day I started making marijuana butter and since then I haven't stopped creating the most varied recipes you can imagine.
29-06-2018 10:00:21 - Updated: 29 June, 2018


A classic dessert  that can cheer you up a meal among friends, besides leaving a more than pleasant taste in your mouth on the palate. Today I’ll tell you how to make a homemade marijuana flan (almost better than your grandmother’s).


There are things that, although the years go by, do not change; but they can evolve. For example, Sunday family meals. Maybe you don’t go as much as you did with your parents to your grandparents’ house, but I’m convinced that Sunday is synonymous with family for you too.


In my case, I have to add that on Sundays they remind me of paella, chicken and flan. Homemade flan. The kind you’d eat three or four in a row, made with love; the kind you suck on every drop of candy.?


Does that remind you of something? I think we’ve all done it. And when the candy wasn’t homemade, you were trying to get the maximum amount of black, sticky liquid out of those glass bottles, whose brand I don’t want to mention. How delicious!


Well, that. Today I remembered those Sundays and thought about making a homemade flan. But since I want to give it my own touch, I’m going to make a marijuana flan, with homemade marijuana liquor included.???


Can you imagine how good it can be and how much fun you’ll have with your friends if you serve it at dessert? Well, stop imagining! Get some paper and pen and let’s go back to those family meals. I’m sure you have more than one anecdote that your invited friends will love to hear..




✅ Things to consider when making marijuana flan



There are many different recipes for marijuana flan on the Internet. It will depend on you, your level of cooking and the time you have to choose one or the other. I am going to give you a very complete one, but then, you can destructure, complicate or facilitate it yourself according to what I have just mentioned.


Remember that marijuana flan, like any other recipe you make with cannabis, has a much later effect than if you smoked marijuana, but it will be much stronger. So don’t be in a hurry to notice the effects and, above all, take small portions.


Finally, before turning to the recipe, I would like to point out that this type of dessert is ideal for people who have appetite problems or, rather, who do not feel like it or have difficulty eating. It is a nutritious dish and it is also very good.

However, if you are going to use it for medicinal purposes, bear in mind that the marijuana you are using must have them and that the person who uses it must also know what he or she is taking; be very careful in the case of children!


We recommend decarboxylate the cannabis before cooking, because although during the process of elaboration of the recipe, the marijuana can be decarboxylated, if we do it before we make sure that the decarboxylation is done correctly. If you want to know how to do it click on this link Weed decarboxylation



đŸ‘Ÿ Homemade marijuana flan recipe


It’s true that there are the typical powders you don’t need anymore to make a flan, but…. what do you want me to say! Being able to do it in a simple and quick way as naturally as possible…. why would I use anything chemical? So yes, the recipe I’m going to pass on to you is homemade




If you want to simplify it later, you’ll always have time to do it. But let’s get down to business. To make the marijuana flan you’re gonna need:


750 grams of milk
5 eggs
Cannabis (0,2 grams per person)
Sugar (about 10 tablespoons)
A vanilla pod for flavouring


Ingredients for making marijuana flan
Ingredients for making marijuana flan


Besides, while you’re at it, how about you make the homemade candy too? That’s what you’re gonna need for:


1 tablespoon
100 grams of sugar
A few drops of lemon


Ingredients for homemade caramel
Ingredients for homemade caramel


Steps to follow:


And now that you’ve got everything, let’s start with the flan:


-To do this, the first step is to heat the milk. Do it over medium heat so it doesn’t stick


Heating the milk
Heating the milk


-Once it is warm, you can add the previously crushed marijuana and add the vanilla pod so that the milk gets the flavor and aroma of it. In the meantime, we’re stirring. So, for 15 minutes and let it stand


Add other ingredients
Add other ingredients


-At that moment, we put to preheat the oven during 10 minutes to 200 degrees and in a bowl we beat the eggs with the sugar. When the mixture is ready, add the milk that has already been tempered.


Preheat oven and prepare mixture
Preheat oven and prepare mixture


We take a mold to put in the oven, pour the mixture and put it on top of a container, also for oven, which we will have filled with two fingers of water. We put the mold with the mixture over that container.

But beware, not a drop of water can get into the pan with the flan mix. If you do, the dessert will be left in a kind of custard, but no custard… nothing at all!


-Now you have 60 minutes to let the flan make, so in the meantime, if you like, you can make the homemade candy. It’s very easy. Just add the sugar to a saucepan over medium heat, then add the drops of lemon and lastly, the spoonful of water.


-Now all you have to do is stir and make sure it doesn’t stick or boil (in that case, lower the heat) and wait for the mixture to take on the brown color typical of homemade caramel. Keep in mind that it won’t be as thick as the famous bottle I mentioned at the beginning, but it will be deadly!


Homemade caramel
Homemade caramel


-When it’s ready, you take it out of the fire. If you want, you can put it in a bowl for each diner to serve it to their taste or you can put it on the plate or tray where you will present the flan.

Is it 60 minutes already? Take a fine-tipped knife, open the oven carefully so you don’t burn yourself, click in the middle and if the knife comes out clean, then it’s ready. If not, leave it for a few more minutes (about 5-10) and check again.

When it is ready, simply take it out of the oven, leave it to cool to natural temperature, pour it into a dish where you have previously put the homemade caramel and serve.

Enjoy your meal!?




✹ Conclusion


You’ve already seen that making a homemade flan is the sea of simplicity. The ingredients you need are basic and you don’t have to be a kitchenette to get a dessert that is more than worthy. But always remember that you’re using marijuana, that it takes a long time for it to work and that it’s more powerful than if you smoked it. Be patient and enjoy yourself. It’s all coming!?


And before I say goodbye until the next post, I’d also like to give you another idea to make homemade flan, remember I uploaded the recipe for making marijuana milk some time ago? Well, if you prefer, instead of pouring the marijuana directly into the flan, you can use that marijuana milk (instead of the natural milk) and make the recipe as I told you (but skip the step of adding the crushed marijuana because it will come with the milk).


Well, that was it. Try the recipe and tell me. I can’t wait to hear how that meal went! And, of course, if you liked sharing it because…we all like to go back to childhood!


See you next post!✍

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  1. Avatar for WeedsForWeebs

    Why are lemons included in flan? In Spanish traditional Flan, they do not add Lemons into the caramel.

    • Avatar for Juanma de

      Believe me it leaves a very good taste in the caramel and a more unctuous texture.
      Try it!