How to make an exquisite marijuana chocolate cake

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exquisite marijuana chocolate cake
exquisite marijuana chocolate cake
Noelia Jiménez
I love to cook and write about marijuana. One day I started making marijuana butter and since then I haven't stopped creating the most varied recipes you can imagine.
20-10-2017 08:00:35 - Updated: 20 October, 2017


Few marijuana recipes are as simple to make and have a magnificent result as chocolate marijuana cake. Today we’ll give you not only the recipe, but also some tricks to make it spongy, leaving your guest  liking their fingers with this delicatessen. You can buy the marijuana seeds in our Growshop to make this magnificent recipe. A perfect strain to make recipes is Forbidden Fruit strain.


I am convinced that if we went out on the street right now and surveyed the people we met along the way about whether they liked chocolate or not, 97% of people would say yes, regardless of the level to which they did. Just go through the candy section of a supermarket and see that most products contain it.


We recommend decarboxylate the cannabis before cooking, because although during the process of elaboration of the recipe, the marijuana can be decarboxylated, if we do it before we make sure that the decarboxylation is done correctly. If you want to know how to do it click on this link Weed decarboxylation


Therefore, if you are a host or want to surprise your visitors or family, today we propose you to make a  marijuana and chocolate “torta” or cake, depending on the part of the world from which you read us. But beware! It’s not just any marijuana cake, we’re talking about a “little lady”  marijuana chocolate cake which will make you lick your fingers!!?


Why? Because it’s going to be spectacular: spongy, with volume and with that great mixture of chocolate and marijuana aroma that flips out us so much. In addition, since chocolate has a very strong aroma when it is baked in the oven, it conceals enough its marijuana content, not completely, but quite a lot, so you will also save inconveniences in that sense, if you have neighbors or roommates who do not like this type of smell.


So, would you care to join me in making the recipe for marijuana and chocolate cake? Here we go!?


⭐ Ingredients for marijuana and chocolate cake



As always, we’re going to start the house on the foundations, in this case, the ingredients we need are as follows:


  • Half a bar of marijuana butter (if you want to make it yourself, here’s a tutorial on how to make it)
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 225 grams of white sugar
  • 280 grams of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 113 grams of chocolate (may be milk or black, depending on your taste)
  • Half a tablespoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 packet of yeast
  • As an option, I like to add a drop of vanilla scent and crushed walnuts


Ingredients for marijuana and chocolate cake
Ingredients for marijuana and chocolate cake


⛳ Recipe of marijuana and chocolate, step by step


1-The first step is to grind all the marijuana you are going to use with the help of a grinder. We recommend that you make pieces as small as possible, so that it mixes better with the rest of the ingredients of the cake in order to make it not so noticeable when eating the cake.


grind all the marijuana
grind all the marijuana


2-Once you have the marijuana crushed, in a casserole, mix the butter and the marijuana crushed using low heat for two hours, stirring every 15 or 20 minutes, so you can then use this mixture to make your marijuana cake and chocolate.


mix the butter and the marijuana crushed
mix the butter and the marijuana crushed


3-When this mixture is ready, pour it into a bowl and add the eggs and flour, while stirring. Little by little you also incorporate yeast and salt, as well as chocolate that, by the way, you will have previously melted in the bain-marie or, even, in the microwave if you do no longer want to stain more cook stuff, although the first option will always be better, because you control how the chocolate melts, little by little.


add the eggs and flour,
add the eggs and flour,


4-Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes and pour the mixture you have previously made into a pan. Ah! Don’t forget to put the baking paper first or wet the pan with butter, so that the marijuana and chocolate cake don’t stick the pan when you take it out.


preheat the oven to 180 degrees
preheat the oven to 180 degrees


5-Once everything is ready, put it in the oven for 45 minutes. To find out if it’s ready, you just have to do a Grandma’s trick: prick the cake (without turning off the oven, of course, so cover your hand with a kitchen mitt or cloth so you don’t burn) with the tip of a knife. If this one comes out clean, it will be ready and if it comes out dirty, you will have to wait a little longer, but surely not more than 5 or 10 minutes. You can try it in those two times.


put it in the oven for 45 minutes
put it in the oven for 45 minutes




☕ Enjoy your creation!


You got your marijuana cake ready. Now you only have to enjoy, always, of course, taking into account the recommendations we always give you if you are going to eat a recipe made with marijuana: eat a piece (a small portion) and wait 2 to 3 hours to see the effect it has on you (we do not always feel the same marijuana, therefore the effect can vary depending on the type of cannabis and the person). If you feel fine, you can have another one, but remember that when you eat marijuana, the effect can take up to 2 hours to reach the pick, so don’t get impatient if you don’t feel it as fast as when you smoke it.


And, of course, if you can, don’t mix it with alcohol. We don’t want you to have a bad trip!?


I’m saying goodbye so let’s see in the next post. However, I would like to know what are your thoughts of this marijuana recipe and if you liked it, I would ask you to share it in your social networks, so that all your friends can enjoy this delicious and simple recipe made of marijuana as main ingredient.


Would you like to give us some tips or advice on that? We’d love to read it too! Bon appĂ©tit!!?


By Noelia Jiménez, PevGrow Team

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  1. Avatar for Pam Watson

    Question: I’m in the US. We don’t measure by bars. How much does a bar weigh or how many tablespoons in a bar?

    • Avatar for Juanma de

      Hi Pam,
      Half a stick of butter is 4 tablespoons


  2. Avatar for Jimmy

    Great I made a mistake years ago ate 2 chocolate cakes spaced out budfy