Make your own homemade hydroponic system

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Create your own homemade hydroponic system and enjoy its advantages
Create your own homemade hydroponic system and enjoy its advantages
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
14-12-2018 10:00:13 - Updated: 14 December, 2018


Welcome one more week dear Grower! This time, we’re going to see how to create your own homemade hydroponic system, with all the materials, tips and tricks to make it a success, Let’s go?



⭐ What is a hydroponic crop?



It is a system of cultivation in which plants grow in a solution of water with nutrients, without soil in between, although inert media such as coconut slabs, rock wool or arlita are often used. It allows you to control the PH level and keep it always balanced, as well as the levels of temperature and nutrients, maximizing its productive capacity.

There are three types of hydroponic crops:


Aquatic culture:


The simplest of all and the most economical, simply consists of suspending the plants on a polystyrene platform adding water and nutrients.


Aquatic culture consists of suspending the plants
Aquatic culture consists of suspending the plants


Multiple flow:


It is not complicated, but you will need a little experience and its cost is a little higher than the previous one. It is based mainly on gravity, trays are filled with water and nutrients, which allows you to grow more specimens than in the previous version.


You will need a little experience for a multiple flow.
You will need a little experience for a multiple flow.


Filling and drainage:


This system is my favorite, because it is easy and its cost is low, it consists of placing the plants in a container to be deposited on a reservoir of water, connected to a piping system, which through a pump is responsible for transporting water and nutrients and drain the remaining water.


The filling and drainage system is easy and low cost
The filling and drainage system is easy and low cost



✨ How to set up your own hydroponic cultivation system step by step


I’m going to focus more specifically on the hydroponic culture system based on aquatic culture, because it’s the most used and because it’s the one I always like, I’m a lover of simplicity!?


– Look for a waterproof container, the best option is a fish tank that you have in disuse or if you want you can buy a new one, but a large tupper or a bucket will also serve.


Find a waterproof container.
Find a waterproof container.


– Once selected the container, paint it with a translucent black spray and let it dry, so that no algae are generated, but you want to paint it you can also cover it with garbage bags.


Paint the container with a black spray.
Paint the container with a black spray.


– Measure your container, and cut a polystyrene board slightly smaller than the container, so that it can adjust perfectly to changes in the water level.


Cut a polystyrene board a little smaller than the container.
Cut a polystyrene board a little smaller than the container.


– Once you have cut the polystyrene sheet, place the pots on top and draw the contours to create the exact cuts.


Place the pots on top of the tray.
Place the pots on top of the tray.


– Get yourself a good pump to provide the necessary amount of oxygen, if you have doubts about which is the best, we can help you if you leave your question in the comments section.


Connect a good pump to provide oxygen.
Connect a good pump to provide oxygen.


– Connect an air line to the pump, which has to be long enough to reach the bottom of the tank, or at least stay in the middle of the tank, so that the oxygen bubbles reach the roots perfectly.


Connect an air line to the pump.
Connect an air line to the pump.


– Finally, install the hydroponics system, fill the tank with a solution of nutrients and water, place the polystyrene plate on top with the pots already prepared and connect the pump to start growing, it’s that simple!



🚀 Advantages of the hydroponic cultivation system


As everything in this life, cultivating your marijuana plants in hydroponics has its advantages and disadvantages, but the truth is that the former weigh much more than the latter, you just need to arm yourself with patience and if you are a little handyman and you are passionate about this world will not take too much effort, and the results are certainly worth it.

One of the main advantages of the hydroponic growing system is that it allows plants to live with less stress, resulting in greater root development and therefore vegetative, obtaining better yields. The plant does not need so much effort to obtain the nutrients and in addition you will save in the purchase of fertilizers.

It is a very clean cultivation system, and simple to carry out, as well as economical, since the water consumption is not excessive.



✅ Conclusion


With this blog article, you’ve been able to see how to create your own hydroponic growing system, a simple but not seemingly straightforward method that will keep costs at bay and increase the yield of your plants.

Share your experience with us, through the comments section, where we can resolve all your doubts and also just by participating in the community PevGrow, you can get great rewards and guaranteed gifts.

Ah! I forgot! If you liked sharing on social networks, I’ll be eternally grateful and help you grow our small big cannabis family!?

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  1. Avatar for Jack P.

    What is best to use for pH/nutrients balance of your water?
    and What are the best pots to use in small set up?

    • Avatar for Alan Martinez

      Hi Jack,
      for hydroponic cultivation the PH suitable for the plant to absorb has to oscillate between 5.5 and 6.5.
      With respect to the size of the flowerpots, it will depend on the time of culture that you prefer. With more smaller flowerpots you will have to pass the plants before to flowering, on the other hand with bigger flowerpots the vegetative period is prolonged and consequently the cycle of total culture is longer.