In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
03-01-2025 09:00:17 - Updated: 3 January, 2025
Tired of this climate so cold and desiring to grow marijuana in your garden?
Old Europe is multicultural, tolerant and open-minded, but its climate is cold and even more in the northern half of the continent.
The outdoor growing season doesn’t start until May, but there are a lot of things to prepare before starting to germinate the seeds, so, get comfortable, since in this guide I will teach you on what you must do month by month so that when the time comes you are ready to start a succesful crop and get the best results.
With the 2025 outdoor growing calendar you will learn, among other things, the average duration of the days and the average temperatures in the northern half of Europe.
You will also see that data from the city of Reykjavik in Iceland. A cold country where it rains a lot but in spring and summer has many hours of sunshine, with the necessary information you are able to grow marijuana outdoors there too.
Relevant facts you should know:
- 1- The average temperature and daylight hours are based on the following cities: London, Paris and Bern.
- 2- The Atlantic Climate is more rainy than the Continental climate. In our catalogue you have seeds suitable for growing in damp places
- 3- Although it is not mandatory for outdoor growing, if you want to optimize the time and prolong the growing cycle, I recommend you to take a space for indoor growing to germinate your seeds, cultivate your seedlings, and even maintain mother plants and supply yourself with your own cuttings.
There are many possibilities if you have a ventilated, safe and controlled environment. For plants to be always growing you must have them under a 200w low energy bulb with growth spectrum, for example the Hortilight 200w growth bulb with a photoperiod of 18/6. Plants will continue to grow indefinitely and you can take them outdoors when the weather is adequate.
You may be interested in reading the following post, How to Build Your Own Marijuana Growing Kit
You have the option to:
- –Grow indoors and taking the plants outdoor to bloom.
*Move them to outdoor at the beginning of spring, although the hours of light are increasing, are still few, so the plant will begin to bloom.
At this time it’s necessary to pay special attention to the moment of moving, if it is too late plants may start a revegetative period, and this would lengthen their development phase, delaying the harvest considerably.
*Move them at the end of summer, when the hours of light go backwards and the plant starts to bloom immediately.
- –Grow indoors and taking the plants outdoor to continue growing.
*Germinate seeds and keep the seedlings until they are safe from the cold. In springtime the plants are ready to move outdoors and continue growing without problems. Adjusting the artificial light to the outdoor sunlight hours will make the change less traumatic.
*Move the plants to the end of June, which is the natural period with the most hours of light, so you will not have the problem of premature flowering. They will continue to grow for a few weeks more before flowering.
Of course all this information is useful for seasonal cannabis plants, if you grow autoflowering strains you will not have to worry about this, since these do not depend on the photoperiod to flower and the hours of light are not a determining factor in this type of cultivars, regarding their growth and flower production.
In short, we go month by month with all the data highlighting what you can do to get a satisfactory harvest.
Average day duration : 8 hours 18 minutes to 9 hours 20 minutes.
Average temperature: 8ºC to 2ºC.
Average day duration: 4 hours 20 minutes to 6 hours 47 minutes.
Average temperature: 2ºC to -2ºC.
This month is very cold on the continent. The best thing you can do is to rest and think about how to prepare your next crop. Surely you’re enjoying the weed you grew last year; and what a better plan than browse our blog and learn all the details about the art of outdoor marijuana growing, there’s always something new to learn.
You can read “Tips for growing marijuana in cold climates.”
If you have an indoor growing cabinet and are not using it, you must get it ready since are going to start using very soon.
Average day duration: From 9 hours 21 minutes to 10 hours 50 minutes
Average temperature: 9ºC to 2ºC.
Average day duration: 6 hours 53 minutes to 9 hours 49 minutes
Average temperature: 2 degrees to -2 degrees
The cold in the form of snow and rain is still present in northern Europe, in places like Paris and Bern the winter never let up.
If you have a fresh and ventilated indoor crop, you can already think about germination of the seeds, at first, in darkness and when the first 3-pointed leaves appear it is time to put them under artificial light, being the ideal temperature between 20 and 26Cº with the lights on.
You can start with a low energy lamp of 200w of growth spectrum, putting under a light bulb of more power when the plants are stronger.
If you live in a Nordic country or Iceland you’ll have to wait a little longer, in the rest of Northern European countries at the end of this month you can be preparing the soil, removing the ice, tilling the soil correctly. Adding bat guano or worm humus provides essential nutrients to develop strong and vigorous marijuana plants.
Average day duration: From 10 hours 53 minutes to 12 hours 40 minutes
Average temperature : 12ºC to 4ºC.
Average day duration: 9 hours 55 minutes to 13 hours 11 minutes
Average temperature: 3 degrees to -1 degrees.
The days are getting longer and the temperature is getting higher, this is just what marijuana plants need to develop strongly and healthy.
The coasts of the UK and France bathed by the Atlantic Ocean are beginning to warm up, and little time left to start the growing marijuana season.
If you haven’t bought the seeds, now is the time. Growers of these latitudes usually prefer to cultivate Indica strains due to their short flowering cycle, is a good time for you to decide the genetics that best suits your needs.
You can know all the Indica marijuana seeds in this link
If you have a mother plant, you may prepare it, since at the end of next month is the ideal time to make the first cuttings.
By the end of the month you can germinate the seeds, although most of the northern part of the continent does not have enough sunlight and it is still cold most time of the day; You can always put the cuttings under a lamp for a few extra hours each day and thus prevent them from start flowering too early.
Average day duration: From 12 hours 45 minutes to 14 hours 25 minutes
Average temperature: 16ºC to 5ºC.
Average day duration: 13 hours 18 minutes to 16 hours 30 minutes
Average temperature: 6 degrees to 1 degrees.
We are finally in spring, there are more and more hours of light and after the first fortnight the days are at least 14 hours. Once the days are quite long you don’t need any more artificial light, unless you live in an area where it’s still very cold and you prefer to take the plants outdoor later.
At the end of this month, in almost all northern European countries it is safe to take the plants outdoors, but perhaps it’s convenient to put them in the night in order to not end up frozen, since nighttime temperatures are still low.
If you live in Iceland you will have to wait a few more weeks to grow outdoors unless you have a greenhouse to protect the plants from the cold letting you to take advantage of the amount of daylight hours in spring and summer.
If you want to know how to build a homemade greenhouse: Propagation cuttings Marijuana
If you have a mother plant may cut and remove the clones, if you want to know the best technique to do that easily please read this post.
Average day duration: From 14 hours 28 minutes to 15 hours 48 minutes
Average temperature: 19ºC to 8ºC.
Average day duration: 16 hours 36 minutes to 19 hours 49 minutes
Average temperature: 9ºC to 4ºC.
We are already at the equator of spring and you can see that, even if you live in Iceland and want to grow outdoors you have a chance to do so if you take into account the night frosts.
If you grow in Iceland or in some Nordic country, you must take into account the growing of autoflowering strains, these are plants that have a whole vegetative cycle of 3 months, being in these countries , more or less, the proper time you have to get a good harvest until the frost returns at the end of August.
You may be interested in this information about the most productive autoflowering varieties.
Average day duration: From 15 hours 50 minutes to 16 hours 09 minutes
Average temperature: 22ºC to 11ºC.
Average day duration: 19 hours 54 minutes to 21 hours 01 minutes
Average temperature: 12ºC to 7ºC.
Summer begins in the northern hemisphere, outdoor plants will develop strongly this month. Both feminized and autoflowering plants grow vigorously at high temperatures and with the large amount of light they receive.
June 21st is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
If you live in an alpine climate maybe you still keep the plants indoors, now is the time to take them out and let them grow for another month to start flowering. You won’t have any early flowering problems.
Average day duration: From 16 hours 08 minutes to 15 hours 15 minutes
Average temperature: 25ºC to 13ºC.
Average day duration: 20 hours 57 minutes to 18 hours 19 minutes
Average temperature: 13ºC to 8ºC.
This month and next month, they are the hottest of the year, this is noticeable in the plants.
If you have grown autoflowering seeds, possibly they may already have a good amount of buds.
If you have grown feminized strains then your plants will start to have the first pistiles. On the other hand, if you have opted for regular seeds now is the time to identify male plants, two months after germination is when marijuana shows its sexual character.
Average day duration: 15 hours 12 minutes to 13 hours 31 minutes
Average temperature: 25ºC to 13ºC.
Average day duration: 18 hours 12 minutes to 14 hours 55 minutes
Average temperature: 13ºC to 8ºC.
It’s time to harvest the autoflowering plants from the seeds you germinated in May.
You’ll have to peel and trim the flowers putting the branches upside down in a dry, dark place. In 10-12 days after harvest they will be ready to store and let cure. In that moment the buds will be suitable to be consumed.
Do you want to know how to make a drying box at home?
At the end of this month most northern European countries have less than 14 hours of daylight. Iceland is the exception. When this happens, the annual marijuana plants (feminized and regular) will begin the last flowering phase.
Average day duration: From 13 hours 34 minutes to 11 hours 52 minutes
Average temperature: 22ºC to 11ºC.
Average day duration: 14 hours 49 minutes to 11 hours 41 minutes
Average temperature: 10ºC to 5ºC.
If you are growing feminized plants, during this month you will see how they begin to develop more pistils, trichomes and buds. It is important to make sure that during this period the plants remain dry, putting them under cover can save you a lot of headaches. If necessary, protect them and place tutors on the heaviest branches, in this month the weather is changing and you don’t want to throw away the effort made on the whole season.
Autumn begins on the 23rd this year, although the solar transition is slower in the Nordic countries and Iceland.
Average day duration: From 11 hours 48 minutes to 10 hours 04 minutes
Average temperature: 18ºC to 9ºC.
Average day duration: 11 hours 36 minutes to 8 hours 21 minutes
Average temperature: 6ºC to 2ºC
Autumn has just begun and many outdoor plants are showing their buds. If you live on the west coast of France, UK or Norway you know that the rains are abundant so you have to watch out for the flowers rotting.
In light of the appearance of a fungus plague, it’s better to harvest as soon as possible, since fungi spread easily and the marijuana can become contaminated and useless.
Average day duration: 10 hours 01 minutes to 8 hours 40 minutes
Average temperature: 11ºC to 5ºC
Average day duration: 8 hours 15 minutes to 5 hours 18 minutes
Average temperature: 3ºC to 0ºC.
Only the bravest grow cannabis outdoors this month; If you have a greenhouse and chose a sativa strain you may be about to harvest.
One of the most important tasks is drying and manicuring correctly the marijuana for later conservation. The quality of the weed you harvest drops drastically if you don’t take care of this process.
Average day duration: From 8 hours 39 minutes to 8 hours 17 minutes
Average temperature: 8ºC to 3ºC.
Average day duration: 5 hours 13 minutes to 4 hours 16 minutes
Average temperature: 2ºC to -2ºC.
It’s very cold, and in countries like Iceland there is hardly 4 hours of light. What a better time to watch a movie completely stoned, read a good book or have a conversation with friends. It’s time to enjoy the job well done.
✨ Infographic calendar 2025 outdoor cultivation in Europe
Here you have a complete infographic that summarizes this calendar 2025 for outdoor cultivation in Northern and Southern Europe.
Are you Impatient to start the outdoor marijuana season? It’s normal, All we are, with this Calendar 2025 for growing marijuana outdoors in southern Europe you will know all the details to get an abundant harvest with the best guarantees.
The temperature in this zone of the continent is warm and mild, although there are months of the year that due to the number of daylight hours and low temperature is better to have a rest.
With this calendar you will know the average duration of daylight hours and average temperatures in the southern half of Europe.
You will also know this information about the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), one of the most meridional cities in the continent.
Relevant facts you should know:
- 1- The average temperature and the daylight hours data are based on the following cities: Lisbon, Marseille and Genoa.
- 2- The Mediterranean Climate is the ideal climate to grow all types of strains thanks to its warm and mild temperature, in dry climates it is preferable to grow Afghan genetics; although if you grow them in a warm but humid climate then the strains such as Thai, Hawaiian and Brazilian descendants are the most suitable for you.
- 3- If you have the possibility, it’s always interesting to have a growing space indoors and thus start the season earlier. If you have a growing cabinet with artificial light, you may germinate your seeds and let your plants growing (photo-period of 18/6) until the climate in your garden becomes milder. This will make you get bigger and more productive plants, because those weeks ahead are noticeable.
Now we go month by month with all data and information:
Average day duration: From 9 hours 01 minutes to 9 hours 48 minutes
Average temperature: From 12ºC to 3ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 10 hours 21 minutes to 10 hours 47 minutes
Average temperature: 22ºC to 13ºC.
It’s still too early to think about growing outdoors in southern Europe, it’s a good time to enjoy the weed harvest in the last season and think about the next one.
As it’s always a good time to learn, you can take a look at our blog and enjoy the dictionary on marijuana, all the related plant terms we are so passionate about.
Although if you live in Tenerife the story is different, the Canary Islands have a subtropical climate with the exception of some island cities with a colder microclimate; Growers in the Canary Islands can grow up to 3 outdoor crops a year naturally with feminized and regular strains, and up to 4 crops a year if the seeds the use are autoflowering.
If you live in Tenerife, you can prepare the soil and fertilize it with earthworm humus and start the first crop (winter-spring), the feminized strains in this climate complete their growing cycle in 3 or 4 months.
Average day duration: From 9 hours 50 minutes to 11 hours 02 minutes
Average temperature: From 13ºC to 3ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 10 hours 49 minutes to 11 hours 30 minutes
Average temperature: 22ºC to 13ºC.
You may already think about buying the seeds, there is still little probabilbity of frost, especially in countries bathed by the Mediterranean sea.
If you live in Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal or some other temperate climate country you can grow both Indica or Sativa strains, as you prefer, this is because you live in a privileged climate, with mild temperatures, given that the amount of daylight hours received by the plants is high.
If you already have the seeds and a mini greenhouse available, you may start germinating them and then remove the seedlings when the temperature is higher and the days are longer, this way you will gain valuable time.
Average day duration: From 11 hours 05 minutes to 12 hours 34 minutes
Average temperature: From 16ºC to 5ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 11 hours 32 minutes to 12 hours 22 minutes
Average temperature: 23ºC to 14ºC.
In cities like Marseille or Genoa, spring is beginning to be felt, the days are longer and the risk of frost is almost nil. If you already have the seeds you may begin to germinate them, remember that the seedlings need to receive at least 12 hours of sunlight, if the days are not long enough you can always put the plants in the indoor under the lamp of a growth spectrum for an hour, thus avoiding premature flowering.
If you have a mother plant, you may prepare it to be cloned, since at the end of this month you may start making the first cuttings in order to take them outdoors
Average day duration: 12 hours 37 minutes to 13 hours 59 minutes
Average temperature: From 19ºC to 8ºC
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 12 hours 24 minutes to 13 hours 40 minutes
Average temperature: 24ºC to 14ºC
In April the temperature rises and the daylight hours are significantly more numerous . You no longer need artificial light, and your seeds will germinate and grow quickly once put in the pots.
In some mountain climates it will be necessary to put the plants indoor at night so that they do not freeze.
If you live in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the plants you have grown in January are ready to harvest, and it’s time to begin the second outdoor harvest in the Canary Islands (spring-summer), this usually ends in August/September depending on the characteristics of the strain.
Average day duration: From 14 hours 02 minutes to 15 hours 06 minutes
Average temperature: From 23ºC to 13ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 13 hours 13 minutes to 13 hours 47 minutes
Average temperature: 25ºC to 15ºC.
Outdoor plants this month are vogorous as a result of longer days and higher temperatures. In cities like Malaga, Athens or Malta the summer is coming and you’ll see people wearing T-shirts walking along the promenades.
If you like autoflowering strains, it’s a good month to grow them since you have the 3 warmest months with the most numerous of daylight hours of the year ahead.
Average duration of daylight hours: From 15 hours 08 minutes to 15 hours 23 minutes
Average temperature of the month: From 28ºC to 14ºC
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 13 hours 49 minutes to 13 hours 56 minutes
Average temperature: 27ºC to 17ºC.
Summer is here officially, we are sure you will be aware of it, it gets dark later and in many southern European countries you no longer need a blanket to sleep.
Seasonal and autoflowering marijuana plants grow vigorously due to the high temperatures and the large amount of daylight they receive.
June 21st is the longest day of the year and this means that the week of June 18th to 24th is the time in which your plants will experience the greatest growth. You’ll notice a considerable increase in the height, quantity and size of their leaves.
Average day duration: From 15 hours 22 minutes to 14 hours 39 minutes
Average temperature of the month: From 31ºC to 17ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 13 hours 56 minutes to 13 hours 33 minutes
Average temperature: 29ºC to 18ºC.
This month and next month are the warmest of the year and that is perceived in the plant development.
If you grew autoflowering seeds in May, the plants will be full of buds and almost ready to harvest.
If you grew feminized strains then your plants will start to have their first pistiles, and if you work with regular seeds, now is the time to identify male plants, accurately two months after germination is when marijuana shows its sexual character.
If you live in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, you may grow this month, for example, a 100% sativa marijuana plant, and in less than 5 months it will be ready to harvest. This is unthinkable for outdoor crops in continental Europe.
Average day duration: From 14 hours 39 minutes to 13 hours 35 minutes
Average temperature: From 31ºC to 17ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 13 hours 32 minutes to 12 hours 49 minutes
Average temperature: 30ºC to 19ºC.
It’s time to harvest the autoflowering plants that you germinated in May.
You’ll have to peel and trim the flowers and put the branches upside down in a dry, dark place. In 10-12 days after harvesting the buds will be ready to be stored in glass jars (the first month it is good to open the jar for 1 hour a week) in a space without sunlight, for optimal preservation. You can also freeze the buds, these will keep the properties intact.
At the end of this month, most European countries have less than 14 hours of daylight, even in the Canary Islands.
Average day duration: From 13 hours 30 minutes to 11 hours 54 minutes
Average temperature: From 26ºC to 14ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 12 hours 47 minutes to 11 hours 59 minutes
Average temperature: 29ºC to 20ºC
If you grew feminized or regular strains of Indica phenotype, at the end of this month those plants may be ready to harvest, you will note that the buds are getting larger and bigger, and gradually becoming full of aromatic trichomes. It’s important to make sure that during this period the plants remain dry, putting them under cover can save you a lot of humidity problems. If necessary, protect them and place tutors on the heaviest branches. In cities like Marseille or Lisbon the weather is changing this month and you don’t want to throw away the effort made on the whole season
The first week of this month is time to harvest the second outdoor crop in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spring/Autumn), and begin the third and final growing season (autumn/winter).
Average day duration: 11 hours 51 minutes to 10 hours 26 minutes
Average temperature of the month: From 21ºC to 11ºC..
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 11 hours 57 minutes to 11 hours 09 minutes
Average temperature: 27ºC to 19ºC.
Autumn has arrived and many plants show their fruits to be harvest, and marijuana is no the exception. It’s necessary to be especially careful with the rains since an excess of humidity can cause the appearance of fungi, and consequently, the rotting of the buds.
Seasonal (non-autoflowering) marijuana plants of mainly sativa phenotype will be ready to harvest by the middle/end of this month.
One of the most important tasks is drying and manicuring the marijuana for later conservation. Quality can be affected if we do not take good care of this process.
Average day duration: 10 hours 23 minutes to 9 hours 17 minutes
Average temperature of the month: From 16ºC to 6ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 11 hours 07 minutes to 10 hours 31 minutes
Average temperature: 25ºC to 17ºC.
If you grew a cannabis landrace strain, such as a pure Haze, it will be ready to harvest this month, since it’s time to reap the fruits of your effort; 14-16 weeks of flowering is definitely worth it.
At night it starts to cool down so if you have the chance to put them under cover it’s the best thing you can do.
At the end of this month or early December, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, it’s time to harvest the last crop of the year (autumn-winter), the feminized seeds that you germinated in September. Although they will not have become very large plants, on the contrary, since they do not usually exceed one and a half meters in height. The quality of the weed obtained cannot be compared to that grown in another climate.
Average day duration: 9 hours 17 minutes to 9 hours 01 minutes
Average temperature of the month: From 12ºC to 3ºC.
Santa cruz de Tenerife:
Average day duration: 10 hours 30 minutes to 10 hours 22 minutes
Average temperature: 23ºC to 15ºC.
It’s cold and it’s Christmas season, time to enjoy the family, and of course, the marijuana that we have grown this season; If the preservation has been correct, a month of marijuana curing has made your weed crunchy and perfect to smoke.
To free your mind, I advise you to read our post on movies and documentaries about cannabis, with which you will surely enjoy and laugh a lot.
I will be delighted to read your comments and suggestions, together we may shape the best Calendar for outdoor marijuana growing in Europe
Have a nice smoke guys!
I live in a coastal mediterranean city ( weather conditions are similar to Almeria ) . I use a modern greenhouse. Here, it s sunny and long days on may. Because of this, when i start to grow on april, all feminised strains turn back to vegetation period, ( especially since 15th of may ). But i want to finish harvest before summer. So i have a good heated and ventilated growing room too. If i start to sprouting indoor on February and prepare seedlings for transplanting to greenhouse ground, during February, Can i finish my harvest before mid of May? Of course, i know that plants and yield will be lower and buds will be more fluffy than normal season. But it’s acceptable for me. So i said plants will be smaller in this theory, i can’t use auto strains. And Sativas have long growing period too. Because of this, best strains may be “Fast Flowering Indica Dominant Strains”, in my opinion, A few weeks ago, i saw Sweet Seeds’ F1 Fast versions of Green Poison and Sweet Skunk on their website. These strains are feminised but have ruderalis genetics too. Is that a solution for early re-veg problems? And which feminised ( not auto) strains can you advice to me, for harvest on mid of may? What is critical sunlight time and limit for re-vegetation danger after start flowering? For examle; We have 12 hours 45 minutes sunlight on 1th of April (Sunrise-05.40, Sunset-18.25) and 13 hours 50 minutes sunlight (Sunrise-05.00, Sunset-18.50), here.
Is this way possible?
Thanks a lot…
Firstly we must tell you that to take the plants outdoors for flowering has risk of re-veg if the genetic is not autoflowering.
If you want to try with some “fast version” strain as you mentioned before you must know that those cultivars are very sensitive to flowering, and a drastic change of photoperiod can slow it down, it could even express some male flower due to luminic stress; to avoid this, before taking out the seedlings outdoors, you may reduce the photoperiod indoors until adapting it to the natural one, although it may not be 100% effective. Your crop may be in risk of stopping flowering due to a sudden change in solar spectrum in spring. You’ll have to try it.
In May, you may harvest almost any cultivar, except for the very sativa genetics which will certainly give you re-veg problems.
Thanks a lot for your question
Good luck with your crop!