How to detox from weed

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Image recreating a consumer facing an entity with a marijuana plant face
How to lower weed tolerance
Alan MartĂ­nez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
06-09-2019 11:00:58 - Updated: 6 September, 2019


Oscar had long noticed that smoking pot no longer caused the same effects. “I’m sure those bastards are giving me grass from the ground,” he said to himself while smoking his joint. What Oscar didn’t know is that he was developing tolerance to weed.

Weed tolerance is a situation that happens to every cannabis user sooner or later. That’s the reason why you find it difficult to get to that euphoric point or high that you felt the first times you experienced marijuana.

The body simply adapts to the dose, so you need to increase the consumption of THC until you reach the point where you get the feeling that made you fall in love with this plant.

It’s like everything in life. Your brain knows that it’s not normal for you to “fly” and it takes the appropriate measures for you to return to normal. Of course, it doesn’t know that you don’t want that and you end up consuming more joints to continue in that state of euphoria.

The scientific explanation of this phenomenon lies in the way our organism interacts with the THC of the plant. This cannabinoid interacts with the CB1 receptors in our brain, but then it so happens that it orders them to stop reacting to THC.

Then we have to add more THC to try to match our past experiences. This doesn’t hurt us, apart from our budget, but it can end up ruining the moment.

Let’s go deeper into this issue.👉



✨ What is weed tolerance?




We can deduce, as explained so far, that weed tolerance is nothing more than the body’s ability to minimize, or even cancel, the effects of cannabis on it.

This is the brain’s fault which detects an abnormality in the amount of “joy”, anxiety, and highs that the use of marijuana produces in us.

The first time we consume weed, all the receptors the body interacts with are available, since we catch the brain unaware.

These receptors, called CB1, are no longer available for THC when the brain detects that this is the substance that alters our normality.

This is why the body generates tolerance to weed. The substance is the same, but the brain “stops paying attention” and ignores it, almost completely.

The good news is that this has a solution. The bad news is that you should stop taking THC for a while. Keep reading so you understand what this is all about.


Benefits of taking a break from weed (H3)


Marijuana lovers don’t usually talk much about drug addiction, because we consider that cannabis is no worse than a few beers.

But the real proof that we need cannabis a little more than a beer is when we try to stop using it, without success. It’s true that its effects are not as devastating as the ones from the most powerful drugs, but the truth is that they do affect us.

Certainly, sometimes it’s convenient to take a break from weed.

The main benefit that we’ll obtain as heavy cannabis users will be that the brain will reactivate CB1 receptors that interact with THC.

We’re not suggesting that you quit marijuana at once, although it’s an alternative solution, but you can do it progressively. Actually, what we should stop consuming is THC so that the body sees that it’s not present.

After we stop ingesting THC, in 48 hours the CB1 receptors begin to activate and within a month they’re already 100% active.

It’s possible that leaving weed for a month is not in your plans but, if you do, you can rest assured that you’ll feel a very similar experience to that first time you tried it and loved it.

It’s more complicated for those who use marijuana for medicinal purposes because its consumption is not recreational, so it’s best to ask your doctor.

The best thing is that this sensation will be restored only with small doses of THC, until the body generates tolerance again.


Other benefits of quiting marijuana are:

  • Improvement of short-term memory.
  • Lower probability of lung problems.
  • Better perception of time and space.
  • Eliminating or reducing the feeling of anxiety, paranoia, unjustified fears, panic attacks and hallucinations.
  • It improves mood and decreases depressive attacks.
  • Reduces the likelihood of having psychotic episodes.
  • Improves the situation at work and reduces work absenteeism.
  • Improves willpower and fulfilling responsibilities.
  • Less chance of fighting and accidents.
  • Greater concentration power.


Summary of the benefits of a marijuana break
Summary of the benefits of a marijuana break


If you notice the lack or the presence of any of these points, you may want to quit it for a time.



📖 Tips and activities to take a break from weed



You may want to know how long it takes to rid marijuana from the body. It really depends on many factors, but in general, the body can take up to a day to get rid of cannabis. If you’re a regular smoker it could take 2 days.

But to fully recover from weed tolerance, CB1 receptors will need much more than 48 hours to activate in relation to THC. It’s possible that this is because the excess of this substance is stored in the fatty areas of the body.

The effects of leaving marijuana can be complicated, especially if you have been consuming for some time, but you can quit marijuana partially or totally; It’s just a matter of being safe and wanting to do it for yourself.

The first thing you should do is set a personal challenge that you should write down in a notebook or sheet of paper. You must specify your goal timeframes with dates strictly set and follow the plan to the dot.


Below we’ll give you some tips and activities to take a break from marijuana. If you’re looking for information on how to stop marijuana, it’s very likely that this information may also be useful.


  • Start a hobby: it’s very important to keep your mind busy with something, and if it’s something you like, even better. In a situation that could be stressful for you such as abstinence, you could take advantage of this by starting one of these personal projects.
  • Keep pipes or other items out of your sight: you should put away anything that reminds you of consuming.
  • Quit it little by little: Another key to quitting marijuana is to do so little by little. You can lower the doses, either the amount of weed or the frequency. If you smoke pot before sleeping and also when you wake up, eliminate the latter.
  • Start an exercise plan: Have you seen how long the high lasts? It’s a feeling that can last for hours. Starting an exercise plan will help you burn the residual THC that you have left in the body and will give you a 100% natural high.
  • Meditation: Keeping your mind blank and paying attention to your breathing sounds easy and boring, but it isn’t. If you get the hang of it the results can be amazing. Try it, be disciplined and persevere; this could change your life.
  • Give yourself a gift: How much do you spend on marijuana a month? What have you always wanted and can now buy with that money? Take the opportunity and with the money you save from not smoking joints, give yourself a well deserved prize.

It may be hard at the beginning, but think about the benefits it will bring to take a break from it.


What to do to quit weed


-If you have that idea in your head it’s understandable and, although we know that marijuana is not a lethal drug, it’s true that it can cause addiction. We know that an addiction to any substance can always be a problem when the person lacks what they really want.

Medical and recreational marijuana is fully justified. Everyone is responsible for their actions but, as people, we must understand that there are boundaries to be respected and that if a loved one is worried about us it’s because they love us and want the best for us.

-SIf you have a serious problem with marijuana, it may not be enough with the advice we have given you before. They’re tips to stop smoking marijuana when we want to reduce tolerance, although they can be used to quit definitively.

-There are medications to stop marijuana, but it’s necessary for a doctor to endorse their uses.

-Learning how to quit marijuana alone can be complicated. It’s best to receive support from family and good friends. In fact, one of the best tricks to quit weed is to try to do it with a friend who also wants to decrease their tolerance.


Tips and activities for the cannabis break, in pictures
Tips and activities for the cannabis break, in pictures


🚀 The CBD, a good ally



We’ve seen that the problem of weed tolerance happens because of THC. The problem of how long a joint’s high lasts is due to this substance. But there’s another cannabinoid, CBD, which can help you leave cannabis dependence to speed up your recovery.

Smoking a joint before bed, with a higher concentration of CBD than THC, is a good alternative to avoid the colloids produced by THC. To do this, you must choose a variety of marijuana that has that characteristic.

A couple of varieties that we can recommend for smoking weed before bed are Medical Mass et la Solomatic CBD, since they have high levels of CBD and little THC. Its anxiolytic properties will relax you, while you will consume less addictive elements.





🧐 Conclusion



Quitting marijuana is possible, whether you want a break or to quit forever. The effects of leaving marijuana can be very beneficial for your mental and physical health, while improving your work relationships and decreasing your anxiety.

Remember that marijuana can be as addictive as any drug and, even if it’s natural and medicinal, it can become a problem over the years.

The cultivation of this plant is becoming popular due to recent legalizations for its medical use in various parts of the world.

Cannabis will always have detractors and defenders, with very mixed points of view, but finding a midpoint based on scientific research about its effects, both positive and negative, is also possible if we’re willing to open our minds.

The medical world and the scientific community are in full discussion about the effects of this plant. We believe that its negative effects have been exaggerated, but we don’t deny that they exist. On the other hand, there’s no doubt that the medicinal effects of marijuana are also a reality.

People who use it for recreational purposes know that it’s a mild drug. In this article we’ve explained that the body learns to get rid of its effects of euphoria, which are not normal. This means that, if you don’t abuse it, this plant is no more dangerous than alcohol.

Everything in excess hurts,” says a popular saying, and marijuana is no exception. That’s why, if you’re a consumer, we invite you to embrace moderation and from time to time you take a break so you can enjoy the mother plant better.

We hope you have found it useful to understand the mechanisms involved and what you should do in case you want to reverse your tolerance to weed.

Have you ever tried to take a break from marijuana or have you tried to give it up in its entirety? Are you thinking about trying to? If so, leave us your comments below and share your experience.

We’ll be very grateful if you share this article on your social networks. 😜 It helps us grow and reach more cannabis lovers to continue providing quality and free information. Thank you.


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