Delta 9 Cannabiogen

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Photo of a beautiful cannabis plant with the name Delta 9 Cannabiogen written above
Photo of a beautiful cannabis plant with the name Delta 9 Cannabiogen written above
Fran Quesada Moya

07-04-2020 10:00:30 - Updated: 7 April, 2020


Delta 9 from Cannabiogen is one of the most complete liquid fertilizers for cannabis cultivation. It is one of the few, if not the only product, with which you could grow a crop from the beginning to the very end without any nutritional problems. In this post we will see how to use it, compatibilities, results and the most important questions about its use. Here we go!


⭐ What is Delta 9?



It is a biostimulant formulated by the company Cannabiogen with a unique composition, and manufactured with the best components. It was released to the market more than 15 years ago, and over this time it has been attracting fans around the world, becoming one of the most widely consumed products for growing cannabis in some countries.


Delta 9 Cannabiogen


Delta 9 de Cannabiogen...

Delta 9 provides naturally, 60 nutrients, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and biological promoters to increase yield, flowering, the quality and vigor. Natural antioxidants generate endogenous concentration of resins. Tus cosechas serán más resinosas y jugosas de lo que nunca has soñado!!…

Technical data sheet:
Growing phase: Flowering
Growing type: Soil
Composition: Organic

More information here
Delta 9 Cannabiogen



⛳ What is Delta 9 for?


It is a flowering stimulator of organic origin, so it is designed to encourage and enhance the appearance of flowers in indoor and outdoor cannabis crops. With this product the plants are able to perceive in an earlier form that they have to change the metabolism, from growth to flowering, and it helps in this hormonal function.


✨ How to use Delta 9


  1. Shake the product well before each use
  2. Mix from 0.3 (4 ml.) to 0.4 (6 ml.) tablespoon of Delta 9 for each 0.26 US gal (1 liter) of water
  3. Adjust pH between 6.2 and 6.5
  4. Apply by spraying or watering


Delta 9 Dosage

The manufacturer recommends diluting from 0.3 to 0.4 tablespoon (4-6 milliliters) per 0.26 US gal (1 liter) of water, but this is very relative. All plants do not eat the same, and we have already seen some crops with specimens over-fertilized by this product. We have also noticed that the same plant that suffered with a high spray dose, assimilated much better the same amount of Delta 9 in irrigation.

Our recommendation is that if you are going to apply it sprayed better with a proportion of 0.3 tablespoon (4 ml) / 0.26 US gal (1 liter), and if it is in irrigation you can use from 0.34 to 0.4 tablespoon (5-6 ml.) but without mixing with other nutrients.


👌 When should we apply Delta 9?


The first application of Delta 9 should be done about 10 days before changing the cycle to flowering in indoor cultivation. The second application will be 10 days later, coinciding with the change of photoperiod to 12/12. The third application will be another 10 days later and, generally speaking, it is possible to stop using this product, although there are growers who continue to add it to irrigation.

In outdoor cultivation we will wait to see the first pre-flowers to do the first application of Delta 9. Then we continue as indoors, that is, 10 days after the first application is done the second one, and another 10 days later the third.


☕ How to apply Cannabiogen Delta 9?


We prefer to do 3 applications in a foliar way and then continue with specific products for flowering. Fertilizing in a pulverized way has a great advantage, and it is that we do not load the substrate with salts, and we keep it clean until the phase of maximum fattening of the buds, which is when we give them more fertilizer.


📖 Delta 9 in Autoflowering plants


Many people have asked us when to start adding Delta 9 to automatic flowering varieties. In this case we do the same thing as with outdoor plants, waiting for the pre-flowers to appear before giving the first application and, from then on, 2 more applications every 10 days. What’s the dose? With the same dose as if they were photodependent plants, in fact auto varieties usually eat more than most regular ones, so don’t be afraid of dosage in this matter.


🚀 Delta 9 Compatibility


We always advise not to mix products of different brands and grow with the whole line from one supplier. This product is the exception, and although Cannabiogen has been bringing out other products like Delta 8 or Delta 10 for a few years now, we have been testing for a long time how Delta 9 works with other products.


¿PK 13 14 or Delta 9?

You don’t have to choose between them, they are different products with different functions and formulations. PK 13 14 is a fattening or bud burst, its function is to give weight, density and hardness to the flowers, and Delta 9, as we already explain, is a flowering stimulator, responsible for promoting the creation of new flowers.


PK 13/14 Canna
PK 13/14 Canna...

Canna PK 13/14, by Canna, is a fertilizer for the production process that is characterized by a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus, which makes it easy for the plant to absorb them in a fast and direct way….

Canna’s PK 13 14 features
NPK 0-13-14
13% Phosphorus.
14% Potassium.
Format: 250ML,500ML,1L.

More information here
PK 13/14 Canna


Delta 9 Vs Bloombastic

As in the previous case, Atami Bloombastic is also a bud-fattening, so it can be perfectly combined with Delta 9. In fact, the budding is usually applied from the fourth week of flowering, long enough after the last application of Delta 9.


Monster Bloom or Delta 9

In the same way as in the previous two cases, Grotek’s Monster Bloom is a fattening plant with very high levels of phosphorus and potassium. It can be perfectly combined with Delta 9, because when it is time to start fattening we have already finished with this stimulator.


Cannaboost or Delta 9

This case is different, as both products act as a stimulator in the flowering phase. This example can be used for other similar cases, since most of these products are applied after changing the photoperiod.

If you want to combine Delta 9 with other flowering stimulators, we recommend that you use it normally for the first 3 spray applications. The third foliar application will be given on day 10 of the cycle at 12/12, and from that moment we stop applying Delta 9 and replace it with Cannaboost in this case. As we said, this can also be done with the Top Max by Biobizz, the Boost from Hesi, and with most flowering stimulators on the market.


✅ Delta 9 Results


The advantages of using this fertilizer are many, but the best part is its results, which satisfy all users. The most important thing is the extra harvest that you can achieved, with many more inflorescences per sprout, which ends up in denser, more compact, harder and heavier buds.

The great balance between NPK, microelements and amino acids that it contains provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients during pre-flowering and flowering phase. The leaves are healthy, with no signs of deficiencies or blockages of any kind.

Combined with organic fertilizers it produces a spectacular taste. Sugar and essential oil content ends up being higher, so the aroma and taste are cleaner and richer in nuances.


🔥 Delta 9 Composition


Delta 9 Composition
Delta 9 Composition




🎯 Conclusion


Delta 9 by Cannabiogen is one of the most complete liquid fertilizers for growing cannabis. It has proven itself for many years, works well with other products and produces spectacular results.

If you haven’t tried it yet, we highly recommend it. You will get a great balance between quality and quantity, as you will gain both crop weight, aroma, taste and power.


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