Do weed make you horny? Does horny goat weed really work

Do weed make you horny? Does horny goat weed really work

Reading Time 6 minutes   It is interesting to see how many ancient representations from different cultures symbolize the relationship between drugs and sex. Archaeological sites with hundreds or thousands of years where objects related to parties or rituals were discovered where the participants … Leer más

New Growdiaries competition with new prizes

New Growdiaries competition with new prizes

Reading Time 3 minutes     Welcome, growers! I have the pleasure to announce the most interesting contest in this 2020, the Spanish breeder PEV Seeds pulls the boat out and offers really interesting prizes for just writing a diary of any of its … Leer más

Top Weed Games

Top Weed Games

Reading Time 6 minutes     There’s a magical combination of fun: cannabis and games or video games and if these are related to marijuana even better. Today we’re going to look at the games that all of us smokers have tried at some … Leer más

Synthetic Weed. What is it and which are its effects?

Synthetic Weed. What is it and which are its effects?

Reading Time 4 minutes   Synthetic weed has made headlines around the world because of the devastation it has caused in several countries. This new drug has spread like wildfire around the world, causing a number of deaths, heart attacks, strokes, etc. The false … Leer más

THC Valencia Cannabic Association

THC Valencia Cannabic Association

Reading Time 8 minutes Today I want to tell you about the THC Valencia Cannabis Association, one of the most traditional smoking clubs in the capital of the Turia, where you can enjoy the best cannabis strains such as Runtz,  Forbidden Fruit Strain or … Leer más

The 2020 Marijuana Conventions

The 2020 Marijuana Conventions

Reading Time 13 minutes   Welcome back to the PEV Blog! The marijuana conventions are one of those events that all cannabis lovers enjoy as real children, because you share your passion with many thousands of others, with whom you can share knowledge, experiences, … Leer más

Series on netflix to see while you are high

Series on netflix to see while you are high

Reading Time 9 minutes     Welcome one more week Cannalover! I have something very special reserved for you, what are the best series on Netflix to see stoned? This is top! Let’s go to it!? As a good geek I consider myself, there … Leer más


In this section of our blog you will discover the latest news about the sacred plant. You will learn about the latest news on marijuana legalization and learn about the scientific advances that are produced in the world.

In the PEV Grow Shop blog you have all the current and contrasted information so that you can get the best content on marijuana.

PS: The history of marijuana is convulsive, its use in the world comes from ancestral times and even today still causes controversy in some countries, and all this being the substance that have never caused any death.