Cannabis Growing Manual

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Growing marijuana manual
Growing marijuana manual
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
19-01-2021 07:00:19 - Updated: 19 January, 2021

Piensa En Verde, with this growing marijuana manual we wanted to simplify the work for grass fans. We have gathered the best information to turn you into a first level breeder. You have different news about marijuana, this way you will be able to deepen as much as you want about the topic that you are most passionate about.

As gift of Welcome I leave you this manual of culture in pdf so that you go opening mouth, a guide to cultivate marijuana in interior and exterior for beginners, to which surely you are going to take advantage of a lot.



*Essential tips to start growing marijuana



Do you want to learn how to cultivate marijuana seeds in a didactic and simple way? If the answer is yes you are in the right place, we have selected for you the best content to start in the exciting world of cannabis.


How to do a root wash and start over

Root washing is a very important technique that every good marijuana grower should know how to use, and every Nobel must learn…


How to Properly Water Marijuana Plants

The techniques vary depending on whether the plantation has been carried out in flowerpot or in soil, directly. However, marijuana is a plant that likes to receive abundant water, but once and for all, without drowning, and that it can be absorbed little by little…



*A Guide to Choosing the Right Cannabis Variety


Not sure which marijuana seeds to choose from among the thousands and thousands of strains in the Pevgrow catalogue? We have made a selection of the best news, which make reference to the most famous and recognized genetics of the cannabis panorama.



*Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation



Marijuana grow outdoor terrace

This type of cultivation offers numerous advantages to the people who decide to carry them out, among others, the saving in materials, to have wider cultures and to avoid uncomfortable smells that could bother your neighbors or the people who live with you in house…


How to hide a marijuana crop

Outdoor growers have to use these methods to avoid theft by thieves who roam their land in search of free plants. There are more and more technical methods of cultivation of marijuana and of greater or lesser difficulty…



*Indoor Marijuana Cultivation


If you can’t harvest outdoors and need to grow marijuana plants under the spotlights, we’ve selected for you these news items that talk about how to plant marijuana indoors in the best way. We hope it helps!


All about LEC lighting

LEC (Light Emitting Ceramic) lamps are based on the old technology of Metal Halide (MH) lamps, but replacing the generating element of the light spectrum, the quartz of MH lamps, with a ceramic material…


Adequate distance from outbreak to marijuana plants

The height of the bulbs of an indoor crop is a headache for many growers. We are going to try to give a little light to this subject, which can be very extensive but we will try to be as clear as possible…



*Pests and fungi


The plagues sometimes attack the cultures of marijuana, if you have had the bad luck that some insect or fungus has invaded your dear plants, we have made a selection of news that can help you to fight the insects and to save the harvest. Good luck!


How to Combat Aphid Pests

If your plant has been invaded by an aphid pest, be very careful because you are in front of one of the insects that attracts more virus, quickly weakening your marijuana plant and, therefore, having to proceed to eliminate several parts of the plant, which can be a drama, especially if it is in flowering phase and you were already waiting for the results…


Killing micro mites in marijuana crops

One of the great nightmares of the marijuana grower is to suffer a plague of red spider or some other mites that attack the cannabis plant. The plagues in the plant of marijuana are more frequent than we would like…


Eliminate the red spider from our crop

It is one of the most common pests in cannabis plantations but we can tackle it in many ways.



How to eliminate marijuana plant thrips

One of the biggest difficulties that has to end with this insect is that, many of them, nest in the own flowerpot of the plant and if we do not realize it, this type of plague will reproduce every little time in our plant of marijuana, being able to finish of definitive form with his health. Fortunately, there are different methods to end it…




*Marijuana deficiencies and excesses


If your cannabis plants don’t look healthy, take a look at this selection of news items that talk about the deficiencies and excesses that affect marijuana.


Excess or lack of phosphorus in the marijuana plant

This macronutrient that has as objective to intervene in development of correct form of our plant of marijuana must be contributed to the same one in a fair quantity if we want that it fulfills the functions that are expected of the same one…


Magnesium: vital for the marijuana plant

The lack or excess of this chemical element in the plant will mark its development, being essential for it. It must be present in all phases of life and abundantly. It has a direct impact on the absorption of sunlight by the plant, which is so important for its development…



*Marijuana Harvest


Once we have overcome all the inconveniences that arise, throughout the life cycle of cannabis, and we have our plants ready to harvest. The time has come to cut and treat marijuana flowers. This process is extremely important, since the quality of the flowers will depend to a great extent on our good work…



*Marijuana Extractions



Charas: a psychoactive delicacy

Originally from the Himalayas, charas, pure resin, is made from the enormous sativas that grow in this part of the world and in a very different way from the cost, for example, which is brought from Morocco…



*History and Review of the main marijuana genetics


Want to know more about the world’s most famous marijuana genetics? Here we leave you some articles related to the topic. Enjoy!



*Marijuana Dictionary


Some words related to marijuana, that you will have heard once, and in this section we will try to treat them of simple and precise form.

Although if you want to become an expert on the plant that we are so passionate about, then Download pdf in the most complete dictionary on marijuana that there is on the Internet.


Dictionary of Cannabis Sativa L.

More than 50 pages in full colour, More than 330 terms, 24 illustrations in full colour, Download in pdf format [Ebook]

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  1. Avatar for Mikaela Smiths

    Marijuana contains more than one drug chemical. Different strains contains different concentrations of each chemical.

  2. Avatar for Av

    Well organized. Easy to read and jam-packed with tips to help a novice grower fine tune their art.

  3. Avatar for James

    Does anyone have grow guide for Seedstockers Big Bud fem ? Please help

  4. Avatar for Cannabis Info Point

    I’ve never cultivated using automatic seeds, I wanted to know if it’s possible to start a perpetual cultivation since the hours of lights are fixed.
    Thanks Gaetano

  5. Avatar for Growing Farmer

    Do we have to take permission from Government before planting Marijuana? I am planning to grow indoor but just wondering if there is something I need to do before I start 😉

  6. Avatar for Tamara

    I am interested in finding out more information of the textile manufacturers of hemp home ware like bed sheets, tea towels that Spain currently produces. Do you know of any such company?